
Ensure you have your ultipets.sk file open. All of the config is contained within.

Quickly find the option you're looking for!




You can change the prefix of the addon with this. Feel free to use hex codes and name it anything you wish.

# Prefix - We recommend you set this to your server's name. This will prefix most messages. Hex codes are available for 1.16+
	prefix: <##7289DA>Adventure Studios &7»


This is the permission required by users to be able to access the pets menu. You can change this to anything you want, but we recommend keeping it simple. Don't forget to change your ranks permissions if you change this!

# Permission - The permissions required to use certain commands/functions
	# Generic permission to access menu and manage your pet
	perm: ultimatepets.use

Admin Permission

This is the permission node for the administrative side of the plugin. Only give this to your senior staff members! It's used to despawn all pets.

# Admin Permission - Permission needed to utilize admin commands for managing pets server-wide
	adminperm: ultimatepets.admin


This is the sound played when someone opens the pets menu or clicks a button. Change this to a valid minecraft sound.

# Sound - The sound played when interacting with things
	# A valid sound list can be found here: http://www.theredengineer.com/1.9-playsound-list.html
	sound: block.note_block.pling

Buff Toggle

The pets in this pack give the player using them buffs. You can disable this by changing this option to false.

# Buff toggle - Select whether bonuses should be applied when pets are active
	# Set to a boolean; true or false
	buffs: true


Don't want the fox to give you swiftness? You can change this to any minecraft potion effect you like!

# Bonuses - The buff applied when a pet is active. Can be toggled off with the option above
	# A valid effect list can be found here: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=2161
	bee: slow falling
	elephant: resistance
	squid: water breathing
	basketball: jump boost
	fox: swiftness
	penguin: haste
	hamburger: saturation

Last updated