
Unsure you have your chatenhancer.sk file open. All config options are contained within.

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You can change the prefix of the addon with this. Feel free to use hex codes and name it anything you wish.

# Prefix - We recommend you set this to your server's name. This will prefix most messages. Hex codes are available for 1.16+
	prefix: <##7289DA>Adventure Studios &7»


This is the permission required by users to be able to access emojis. You can change this to anything you want, but we recommend keeping it simple. Keep in mind that if you change this, you need to update your ranks permissions.

# Permission - The permissions required to use certain commands/functions
	# This permission is required to use emojis in chat
	perm: emojis.use


You can change the color of the rank in game with this option. Feel free to use hex codes or regular minecraft codes as seen in the example below.

# Colors - Select what colors each thing should use
	# Can either be standard codes (&-) or hex codes (<##------>)
	# Note; these colors are just examples. They don't all have to be different code forms. For example, you could have all of them specified as hex codes.
	owner: <##FF541E>
	admin: &c

Chat Format

This is the format your chat appears with. Feel free to change this to anything you like. [player] will be replaced with the players displayname (username and prefix), [color] is the color used depending on their rank and [message] will be replaced with the players message.

# Chat Format - The text used as the chat message format
	# [player] defines the player's name & prefix
	# [color] is what chat color to use based off of ranks
	# [message] defines the message
	format: &r[player] <##656565>» [color][message]


This is what appears when people hover over emojis. Feel free to change this to anything you want, although we recommend making it something that explains what the character is for those not using the resource pack.

Last updated