
Unsure you have your planes.sk file open. All config options are contained within.



You can change the prefix of the addon with this. Feel free to use hex codes and name it anything you wish.

# Prefix - We recommend you set this to your server's name. This will prefix most messages. Hex codes are available for 1.16+
	prefix: <##7289DA>Adventure Studios &7»

Admin Permission

This is the permission required to use some commands (clearing and spawning planes). Give this to users you want to be able to clear all planes and spawn in planes.

# Admin Permission - The permission required to use admin commands
	adminPerm: planes.admin


This is the sound played to the user when interacting with planes.

# Sound - The sound played when interacting with things
	# A valid sound list can be found here: http://www.theredengineer.com/1.9-playsound-list.html
	sound: block.note_block.pling

Success Message Color

This is the color of the message sent to the player when successfully completing an action.

# Success Color - The color displayed in text for successes
	successColor: <##1CFF72>

Failure Message Color

This is the color of the message sent to the player when failing to complete an action.

# Failure Color - The color displayed in text for failures
	failureColor: <##FF561C>

Ambient Message Color

Default message color.

# Ambient Color - The generic color displayed in text
	ambientColor: <##8E8E8E>

Last updated