
Ensure you have your leaderboards.sk file open. All of the config is contained within.

Quickly find the option that you're looking for!


Leaderboard Style

This option can be used to change the information that your leaderboard displays. There are three different options to choose from.




Players balance through essentials.


Players number of kills (tracked from addon installation)


Use a custom variable that your server already tracks (e.g custom balance)

# Leaderboard Style - Sets the style used by this Skript to determine what it should display & rank
# leaderboardStyles can be set to:
# balance
# kills
# customVar
	leaderboardStyle: kills

Simply replacing the text after "leaderboardStyle" to "balance" or your custom variable and reloading the skript change the stats displayed from kills to stats.

To apply your changes, click "Save" in the bottom right and type "/sk reload leaderboards".

Custom list variable

If you're not using a custom variable, you can safely skip this section.

Custom variables allow you to use this skript for a variable your server already uses. Changing "list" to "list::example" will change the variable to {list::example::*}.

# Custom list variable - This will be used if the leaderboardStyle is set to "customVar"
# This probably won't apply to you if you don't have background Skript knowledge.
	customVar: list
	# "customVar: list" will set the leaderboards to sorted {list::*} in this example -  it automatically puts it in brackets and full list format


This section is pretty self-explanatory. This is the time, in seconds, that it takes between leaderboard refreshes. We recommend keeping this value.

# Time - This will identify the time between leaderboard refreshes in seconds. It may cause lag, so it is not recommended to be below 10
	time: 180

Setting this value to a low number WILL cause lag.


This is the text that will prefix any messages sent by the addon. The prefix can use hex code or regular minecraft color codes. If you choose to use a hex code, they will automatically update to a legacy color for users not on 1.16+. For example:

    #Adventure Studios blue hex code
    prefix: <##7289DA>Adventure Studios &7»

Will return;

    #Red hex code
    prefix: <##FF0000>Adventure Studios &7»

Will return;


This is the permission node ranks on your server require to be able to use any commands for ultimate leaderboards. You probably won't need to change this, but the option is there if you feel the need to.

# Permission - The permission required to use admin commands
	perm: leaderboards.setup


This is the symbol or text that will appear after the value on the leaderboard sign. By default, it's set to $ to fit in with the default leaderboard style, but you can change this to anything you want. You can also color it with hex or default minecraft color codes.

# Symbol - The symbol displayed suffixing the amount (Ex. a skull emoji for kills)
	symbol: $

Will return;

Changing value color

You can change the color of the value before the symbol by scrolling to the bottom of the skript file, looking for if "{@leaderboardStyle" is "<value you are changing>" and change the hex value provided on the next line to the color you want.


Particles appear around the physical character on your leaderboard when it refreshes. We've compiled a small list of particles that work well, but you are free to use whatever particle you like. If your particle does not work and you've made sure you've typed it correctly, it is, unfortunately, a skript issue that we cannot fix.

# Particle - The visual effect displayed when leaderboards refresh
	particle: enchant
	# Recommended particles: lava, portal, enchant, smoke, crit, explosion, heart

You can enable/disable leaderboard particles under the particlestatus option. Disabled will disable them and vice versa.

Refresh Message

This option allows you to enable or disable the refresh message that appears when leaderboard is refreshed.

# Refresh Message - Determines whether or not a message should broadcast when the leaderboards refresh.
	refreshMessage: false

Armor Stand Positions

Using this option, you can change the position of your armor stands. Simply pasting the NBT strings in place of the preset NBT option and reloading the skript file will change their positions. In the file, we've provided some cool ones to try out.

# Armor Stand Positions (NBTs) - Alter the armor stand properties
# You can actually alter the NBTs of the armor stands so that they stand in different ways!
# We recommend using https://haselkern.com/Minecraft-ArmorStand/
# Simply copy the command, remove the parts outside of the curvy brackets - { and }
# Then paste the new NBT tags below and witness your brand new figurines!
# NOTE - DO NOT ADD ITEMS TO THE ARMOR STANDS. IT WILL BREAK THE LEADERBOARDS - If this happens, don't panick. Just revert back to one of our NBT presets found below.
	nbt: {Invulnerable:1b,NoGravity:1b,ShowArms:1b,Small:1b,Pose:{Body:[356f,0f,0f],Head:[358f,0f,0f],LeftLeg:[358f,0f,0f],RightLeg:[28f,0f,0f],LeftArm:[267f,331f,348f],RightArm:[253f,26f,0f]}}

DO NOT add items to the nbt data - this will break your leaderboards. If you do this, no problem! Just revert back to one of our premade NBT strings.

Last updated