Concise Tutorial
Learn how to spawn your pets and give others permission to use them.
Last updated
Learn how to spawn your pets and give others permission to use them.
Last updated
As per usual, we're going to assume you've successfully installed the product on your server. If you have OP on your server, good news! This addon is ready for you to use right away. Open up the pet menu using the command /pets. Select your pet and you'll be on your way!
If you want users that are not OP to be able to use pets, you need to give them the permission node ultimatepets.use (default). We recommend using Luckperms as your permission management plugin. An official Minehut tutorial can be found here.
If you want other ranks to be able to use admin commands, add the permission node ultimatepets.admin (default).
To create a custom pet, select the "custom pet" option once you've opened the pets menu. From here, you'll be asked to enter a pet name in chat. Type your pets name. In the example video below, we name our pet "thistle". You'll see that we instantly have the skull of the greatest player ever, thistl, following us around!
Custom pets DO NOT have bonuses.
Want to disable pet buffs, change the GUI sound or change the addon prefix? Learn how on the next page.